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Baked vs Unbaked

These cookies are super easy and versatile. 

I made two flavors and tried them both baked and unbaked.

Let's start with the flavors. The options are endless. I used Peanut & Co dark chocolate dreams PB. Any firm nut butter will work. 

The first batch had Lily's dark chocolate chips and Unreal brand dark chocolate peanut butter gems. The second batch had salted cashews in place of the gems.

You can use what ever mix ins you want. These don't even need mix ins. 

Baked/Unbaked Cookies


1/2 cup of rolled oats

1/2 cup of quick oats

1 cup of Peanut & Co peanut butter or 1 cup of firm nut butter + 1/4 cup of maple or agave syrup 

Optional mix ins

Now let's talk method. Half of each batch was baked for about 18 minutes. The other half was refrigerated for half a day. 

The baked are soft and chewy, but a little crisp on the outside.

The unbaked are like a firm cookie dough. I prefer one of each. How do you prefer yours?

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